Summer is for Sunshine

Did you know the suns light reaches the Earth in only eight minutes and twenty seconds? And it took me at least twelve minutes of googling to find something interesting enough about the sun to start this blog. Its been a couple months I gota knock the rust off. 

What is Happening?

We are already rolling through the seventh month of the year! I can’t believe everything I have accomplished already and all the things I still have yet to do. I am ramping up here preparing for the portfolio section of my master classes. 

What will the portfolio consist of you ask? 

Well, for starters, the last month I have been deep diving into my psyche and my relationship with art and what being an artist means to me. It has been a lot of thought provoking questions, personality tests, journaling, and exploring art history and present day. All of that to help me find the best way I should be making art based on my natural habits. I should love the process of creating my art which will help avoid burnout and creative blocks. I think its going really well! 

For the last couple of weeks I have been working on my own designs with a new process that is, so far, lighting my fire for the creative process and keeping me excited for what I am putting on canvas. 

In the coming weeks I will be putting together sources for my portfolio which will be a collection of 20-30 cohesive pieces. I already have so many great ideas I am excited to get started but have to finish up some reading material and current pieces before I dive right in. So that is what you can expect out of the next few months! As always my content on Instagram will be the most active with my current projects, and I love to hear what you guys think about what I am up to so don’t be shy. :)

Gimli obviously living his best life.

Great Expectations

I am already so impressed with this program that has elevated the skills I had, and opened my mind to new subjects and mediums in the art world. I have many pieces that I love on my website, but I know moving forward my style is going to look different than what I was once creating. Because of this I am going to be having a sale on all of the pieces left on my website, and after that it is very possible these pieces will be gone forever. I love love everything I have available, but a big part of taking these classes this year was to move forward with a more cohesive brand and style that is recognizable and I want to make sure I am putting my best foot forward.

With that I am giving you guys first access this weekend(Saturday-Sunday) to my current collection. Everything is going to be 40% off with free shipping. 

Please let me know if there is a piece that speaks to you, but might be out of your limit at this time and we can work something out. I believe everyone deserves art in your life that makes you feel something and I would love to help make that happen for you. :)

You all are my biggest supporters which means I get to be honest and transparent about my art and my business with you. Moving forward my pieces will come with a higher price tag than past collections. I have been putting in the time and education into my craft to become a true master at it, and with that I know my art has been elevated to a point in which I want to have it valued for what it is worth in this industry. I don’t tell you this to shy you away from purchasing my work in the future, I believe art has a value greater than just the decor on your walls. There is something about a piece of art speaking to your soul, seeing it everyday making you feel like you can be your best, or reminding you of the growth you made this far, or maybe just grounding you about being a tiny human on this plane in the atmosphere. Either way I think investing in art is a privilege but something you will value throughout your years. I hope you will continue following my journey and let the art speak to you about life and the many adventures we get to experience. 

I Have a Real Life Too

In the last month I have visited both Yosemite National Park as well as Sequoia National Park. At Yosemite we were lucky enough to get permits to hike Half Dome and let me tell you that was actually the hardest and scariest thing I have ever done. I have never feared for my life like that. If you let go, your arms give out, your foot slips… you are literally donezo sliding down the face of a mountain. I don’t have a fear of heights but my eyes were glued to the rock in front of me. I couldn’t look up or around for a fear of freezing. I think one of the worst things that could happen is getting thrown into a panic attack and getting stuck where you are on the cables. It is a very real possibility and took a lot of self talk the entire way up. A constant battle of should I just quit now and go back down? And knowing that I just have to make it to the top and it will all be worth it. I can thankfully say that I did make it all the way to the top with the help of my husband encouraging me from below and watching all of the people coming down telling me we were almost there. The views were actually unbelievable looking into Yosemite Valley. On top of the world. I can say for certain I would not put myself through that again, but I am so happy I pushed my comfort zone and completed it. That is a gold star in my book. 

A couple of weeks later we headed back up to Sequoia NP to see some massive trees with the hound. It was over 100 degrees so we didn’t do much more than drive through in the truck but when the trees still make you feel like a tiny bug it doesn’t matter how you are looking at them. We found a little 1 mile trail to take Gimli on and he enjoyed sniffing around the Trail of 100 Giants and posing beneath the monsters. Our last stop was in the park to see the largest tree in the world* (according to the internet). It is apparently the largest by mass with the branches having a 7ft diameter, larger than most trees east of the Mississippi (again, according to the internet). Mind blowing. It is kind of like the grand canyon in that its so immense your mind can’t really grasp how large it is. And photos don’t do it any justice but I will post it here anyways. I wish we had more time to sit beneath it but we had a hound waiting in the air conditioning for us. It would have been a great place to journal about how humans are nothings on this earth and nature is ruler of all and could take us out if it wanted. :p

With all of my class introspection, my *near death* Yosemite hike, and feeling like the smallest being next to some trees its lucky I am not booking a trip to Europe to go in search of the meaning of life and all its wonders! (yet)

Closing this baby up, I am so happy you are here for this adventure and I know those of you that read this are my number one supporters and I appreciate you so so much! I can’t wait to get started on the portfolio and show you where I am at in my journey and hopefully give you a peak into my interests and joys through the brushstrokes. Its going to by such an exciting close out of the year and even though the unknown is scary it is also what prepares us for the next step and I am so ready for that! :) Now go sit in a sun beam. <3

xoxo, Peach


The Supreme Ordeal


April Showers